CHRIST - LIKE, Episode 2
CHRIST - LIKE _Episode 2
Anike was puzzled so also one of tha other women was puzzled. What kind of woman is this? Tha woman having this thought in her mind.
Anike was in deep thought, Mummy Mathew called her, Sister Anike come and buy what you want to buy. Okay ma, Anike replied. Anike bought all tha things she wanted to buy from Mummy Mathew's shop, and had her way home but still in deeper thoughts concerning what she saw that happened at Mummy Mathew's shop.
A day after, one of those women who also had shops beside Mummy Mathew's shop disagreed with tha other women that she wont join them in their hatred and jealousy anymore. Tha other two were bitterred against her decision. But she never mind.
Hours later, Mummy Mathew resumed to her store, she greeted as usual but it was only Mama Chioma that answered and quickly ran after Mummy Mathew.
She echoed on top of her voiced, Mummy Mathew! i want to see you, when i am done i will come. Okay Mama Chioma no problem, Mummy Mathew responded.
*_Mama Chioma in brief_ _*
_She was one of tha three women who had hatred and jealousy towards Mummy Mathew, but she was always in awe, any time she sees Mummy Mathew not reacting as if nothing bad was done to her. Even with tha hatred showered on her, she never stop greeting them and never stopped showing them love especially to their children._
Mummy Mathew was attending to one of her customers when Mama Chioma came to see her. Mama Chioma you can sit down ma. Okay Mummy Mathew, i will. Mama Chioma sat on tha bench while she waited for Mummy Mathew to finish attending to her customer._
Yeah im done, Mama Chioma you wanted to see me? Mummy Mathew asked Yes ooo i really want to see you, Mama Chioma replied. Mummy Mathew quizzed further, so what do you want to see me for? Mama Chioma sighed and cleared her throat. She continued by asking. Mummy Mathew! what type of human being are you? Why do you ask? Mummy Mathew quizzed. Well why i am asking is that with all tha hatred everyone done to you including me, you never reacted. Yet still you never changed. You are really a christain and not like some people. But please forgive me. I have done many bad things towards you. I am one of those who hate you and get jealous of you. Mama Chioma responded.
Mummy Mathew smiled and said i know of everything. I had forgiven you long time ago. Mama Chioma was shocked and asked so you mean you know of tha hatred and jealousy, inshort becos of you, we went to a witch doctor who told us to be dumping refuse infront of your shop after we sweep our shops and you didnt react, however more customers keep coming to your shop? Surely you are a real Christain. And i wish to be like you. Mummy Mathew smiled and responded, well Mama Chioma you cant be like me but you can be like Jesus cos he is tha perfect example, i will like you to follow me to our church this evening. Oh yes! I will, Mama Chioma echcoed.
As at 3pm, Mummy Mathew has been rounding up to close her shop. After closing her shop at 3:15pm, she called on Mama Chioma who had already closed her shop too, tha other two women were looking at them as they were going.
Few minutes later, they arrived tha church for bible studies, as they were both going, Anike was seen going to have her seat. Mummy Mathew was so happy seeing Anike back in tha church.
_*Anike in brief.*_
_Anike was born into a christain family but backslided and she lived a rough life. She smokes and drink alots, she had many boyfriends, but God found her through Mummy Mathew's Christ-Like behaivour.
Mummy Mathew, through her character as christain, she won two souls to Christ in her environment.
1 Peter 2:21-23
For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:
Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:
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