WICKED UNCLE

Dayo came to Lagos to find greener pasture, while looking for work to do, he met Kunle, who is from his own village. Kunle too came to Lagos to look for greener pasture.

They were both friends, and tha friendship was so tight. They were both hunting for jobs as graduates. They hunted for job to a big firm, Kunle was employed as tha accountant but Dayo wasn't employed.

Dayo tried, tried and  tried in job hunting, no job. Kunle his friend, stood by him financially. He accommodated Dayo as well.

Dayo started a driving job, where he would make returns to tha owner of tha bus everyday. He kept doing job for two years, but nothing to show for it.

Years later, Kunle longing to visit his parents, he told Dayo about it, that he has intentions of going to tha village. Dayo replied, I wish to go with you but no good cloth to wear, no good shoes, no money.

Kunle looked at him, and asked, Hey Mr! Why am I your friend? Kunle continued, saying, a friend in need, is a friend indeed. Don't worry, I am here for you.

Weeks later, they  were set to move down to tha village, it was Dayo that drove tha car. Few hours later, they got to tha village. Kunle said let's visit my parents first, then your parents. Dayo concurred. 

They got to Kunle's parents house, Kunle's mother sitting outside, as she saw her son, she shouted Baba Kunle! Our son Kunle is here. Kunle's father coming out with smile on his face. Oh thank God! My son is here, Kunle's mother responded, no our son is here.

Kunle introduced Dayo his friend to his parents. Dayo greeted them once again and they greeted him too. They all ate, drank and merried.

After some minutes, Kunle told his parents that he and Dayo are both going to see Dayo's parents too, and that he won't stay long. Kunle's father responded, my children be careful, God be with you. Dayo and Kunle, both echoed Amen.

Few minutes, they drove down to Dayo's family house.  A boy in tha compound saw Dayo and Kunle coming out of tha car, he shouted Uncle Dayo! Uncle Dayo!! He ran inside and alerted everyone in tha house, Uncle Dayo is back! They all came out, with lots of screams. Truely tha son of tha soil is back, Dayo's father roared and hugged his son. Dayo also hugged his mom and everybody. 

Dayo and Kunle greeted them all. Everybody was happy, except Uncle Ladi, a junior brother to Dayo's father, an uncle to Dayo.

While merriment was going on, Uncle Ladi, went to where he kept his charm and voodoo, with which he casted a spell on Dayo, he smashed everything on tha ground, broke everything with his leg, and got them burnt. Uncle Ladi saying to himself, what is tha meaning of your existence you this charm, I casted a spell on Dayo, yet he still come back here into this village with his car and looking good.

All of a sudden, there was a shout! Everyone rushed down to see what is happening, it was Uncle Ladi, shouting my eyes! my eyes!! my eyes!!! Please help me, I can't see. Everyone was marveled, Dayo's  father said to him, Ladi, what happened? Uncle Ladi replied, Dayo please forgive me, I casted a spell on you, when you were going to Lagos. Everyone shouted, Haaaaa! Uncle Ladi continued, he said he casted tha spell on Dayo to never make it in Lagos. Cos none of his children have ever been to Lagos, but Dayo.

Everybody still in great shock, Uncle Ladi continued, so as I saw Dayo, he is not poor, he never looked poor but yet came with a car and putting on good and fine clothes.

Dayo was just thanking God and thanking Kunle his friend. Dayo faced everybody, he said not that he is living big in Lagos, it is his friend that is helping him financially, even that car he drove into tha compound, his friend Kunle owns it, infact tha clothes and shoes he is putting, his friend gave them to him.
Everyone was marveled.

Dayo continued, it was his friend that said he wanted to come village, I had no money, no good clothes. Dayo explained all what he passed through in Lagos.

You are a wicked man, Ladi. Dayo's father shouting at uncle Ladi. Everyone left where uncle Ladi was lying on tha ground with his two eyes gone blinded.

Uncle Ladi, lived tha remaining of his life, with no eyes to see. 

..... Tha End..... 

Quote "Keep five yards from a carriage, ten yards from a horse, and a hundred yards from an elephant; but the distance one should keep from a wicked man cannot be measured"~ Indian Proverb


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