DEBORAH, Episode 2
DEBORAH, Episode 2 I wept, wept and wept after Collins told me he is done with tha relationship. I kept wondering what could have happened? I kept asking myself. Why is this happening when it is almost time to our wedding. I kept weeping, asking God, why? Psychologically I wasn't myself for days, after Collins told him his intention of breaking out of tha relationship. Aunty Simbi questioned me, several times asking me, if I have offended Collins. I told her any time she asked me that I did nothing to Collins. Aunty Simbi kept wondering as well. We were all in tha same thinking. All my friends kept asking me, what have I done to Collins, I do tell them I didn't do any thing. Becky, Seun, Sandra, Modupe and I were all in Modupe's room. There was a knock on tha door. Modupe asked, Yes! Who is it? It is me Collins. Sandra shouted at Modupe, don't try and open tha door for that devil. Collins roared I am not a devil, Modupe please, is Deborah here? Sandra replied, what are...